As reiterated consistently on this platform, the conventional SIEM solution, primarily relying on signature-based detection methods, has undeniably reached a point of obsolescence. Cybersecurity threats are evolving rapidly, rendering signature-based approaches insufficient in addressing the dynamic and sophisticated nature of contemporary attacks. Despite this, there persists a prevailing belief in the indispensable role of a SIEM solution in fortifying an organization’s cybersecurity posture.

A notable drawback of many existing SIEM solutions is their rigid adherence to preset schedules. These solutions follow a routine of executing predefined queries at regular intervals, typically every 5 or 15 minutes. This periodic approach, while effective in identifying historical security incidents, falls short in the face of emerging and rapidly evolving threats. It essentially means that organizations are examining data retrospectively, reacting to security concerns after they have potentially inflicted damage.

The Critical Importance of Moment Zero
Moment Zero represents a critical juncture in the realm of cybersecurity, marking the precise instance when a security incident transpires. The significance of this moment cannot be overstated, as the delay in detecting such incidents can have profound consequences. Picture an intricate chessboard where the adversary, much like a cunning player, strategically maneuvers upon seizing the advantage at Moment Zero.
In the digital landscape, the latency in recognizing a security breach allows the malevolent actor to traverse the system with impunity, akin to a stealthy infiltrator navigating through the shadows. This unimpeded movement grants the attacker an unsettling degree of freedom, enabling them to explore vulnerabilities, extract sensitive information, and potentially compromise the integrity of the entire system.
Moreover, the temporal factor plays a pivotal role in this cybersecurity chess match. A swift and adept adversary, quick on their digital feet, can exploit the temporal window between Moment Zero and detection to their advantage. In the blink of an eye, they can thwart your attempts at response, creating a virtual barricade that shields them from countermeasures. It's a race against time, and the consequences of lagging behind are severe - the attacker gains not just a foothold but potentially a stranglehold on the system.
Understanding the gravity of the Moment Zero concept underscores the urgency in fortifying our cybersecurity strategies. A proactive approach, characterized by swift detection and decisive response mechanisms, becomes imperative in this dynamic digital battleground. In essence, the significance of Moment Zero lies not only in its temporal immediacy but in the stark reality that it defines the precipice upon which the fate of digital security teeters.

This realization has prompted a critical inquiry into the possibilities of SIEM platforms adopting an entirely different approach. Is it conceivable for SIEM solutions to transcend the traditional reactive paradigm and proactively analyze data before it even gets stored on disk? This question underscores the need for a more anticipatory and preventive stance in cybersecurity, aligning with the proactive nature required to counteract contemporary threats.

The Limits of Signature-Based Detection

Until recently, IBM QRadar stood as the sole product endowed with such advanced capabilities, highlighting the rarity of solutions embracing this forward-thinking approach.

IBM QRadar
IBM QRadar

However, a new entrant has emerged in the field: Fluency.


Departing from the traditional reactive methodology, Fluency embraces a proactive stance in the realm of security monitoring. Instead of adhering to predetermined schedules for data inspection, Fluency pioneers real-time, continuous analysis of data streams. This approach positions organizations at the forefront of cybersecurity, enabling the identification and mitigation of potential security incidents before they have the chance to escalate.

Fluency Programming Language Streamlines Processes

What also distinguishes Fluency from its counterparts is the Fluency Programming Language (FPL). FPL seamlessly integrates across the entire platform, streamlining processes from efficient data ingestion to the creation of meticulously tailored dashboards and reports. The learning curve is surprisingly manageable, and the potential payoff is substantial.

Creating customized dashboard using FPL
Creating customized dashboard using FPL

With FPL, Fluency not only ensures a distinctive user experience but also underscores its commitment to providing a tool that goes beyond the limitations of many of the traditional SIEM solutions.

Detection rule using FPL
Detection rule using FPL

Advanced Analytics and Machine Learning

Fluency UEBA
Fluency UEBA

What also sets Fluency apart is its utilization of advanced analytics and machine learning capabilities. These features empower the system to discern subtle anomalies and identify emerging patterns within the data flow.

Innovative Data Handling Capabilities

Fluency data ingestion workflow
Fluency data ingestion workflow

The ability to manipulate data on-the-fly during data ingestion represents a significant advancement, presenting potential advantages in terms of adaptability, responsiveness, and tailored data processing workflows. This innovative functionality not only enhances the efficiency of data handling but also opens new possibilities for immediate and context-aware data transformations.

Short-lived data
Normally this is often lost in the noise, but it can now be harnessed and incorporated into your event data as it's being ingested. While certain SIEM solutions, like Elastic, do provide similar capabilities, it's still a groundbreaking advancement for any Security Operations Center. This process not only saves crucial time but also results in significant efficiency gains. In essence, with Fluency's FPL, you're not just managing data; you're transforming it from the very outset, making it a game-changer in the world of SIEM solutions.

Until now, I’ve only observed real-time data manipulation using one other tool. ElasticSearch.

Highly informational notifications

Fluency notification overview
Fluency notification overview

In the realm of information management and cybersecurity, the user experience is paramount, especially in environments like SOCs where timely and accurate decision-making is crucial. The user interface’s ability to present detailed notifications plays a pivotal role in this context.

While it might require a bit more scrolling to encompass the comprehensive array of notifications, this enhanced accessibility to information proves to be a strategic advantage. The granular level of detail embedded in the notifications serves as a key facilitator, empowering users to swiftly grasp the intricacies of each alert. This depth of information not only expedites comprehension but also lays the foundation for informed decision-making.

Enhanced Notifications and Risk Scoring

Furthermore, the integration of a risk score card elevates this efficiency to new heights. By encapsulating the relative severity and urgency of each alert, the risk score card becomes a compass, guiding users to discern which notifications demand immediate attention. This amalgamation of detailed notifications and a risk score card culminates in a synergy that streamlines the operational workflow within the SOC.

Consider the implications of this streamlined process — security analysts can now navigate the sea of alerts with heightened precision and discernment. The efficiency gains are palpable as the system not only expedites the identification of potential threats but also enables a proactive response to mitigate risks promptly.

Splunk Incident overview
Splunk Incident overview

In the realm of SIEM solutions, the concept of a risk score formula is not entirely novel, with some other solutions also incorporating similar ideas. However, what sets Fluency apart is its fusion of this risk scoring approach with a data-driven, scientific foundation focused on behavior detection.

Impressive Speed Sets Fluency Apart

Fluency stands out for its exceptional speed, surpassing that of other SIEM platforms.
Fluency stands out for its exceptional speed, surpassing that of other SIEM platforms.

Fluency stands out prominently due to its remarkable speed; it doesn’t merely excel in velocity, but rather it operates at an exceptionally swift pace. Drawing from my extensive background working with prominent SIEM solutions like IBM QRadar, RSA, Microsoft Sentinel, and Splunk, I can assert with confidence that Fluency outshines them all in terms of performance. The unparalleled speed of Fluency is not a mere happenstance; it can be largely attributed to the platform’s innovative approach in managing intricate queries.

Predictable Licensing Model

Cost predictability is on every CFO’s wish list and Fluency made it happen. In an era where businesses constantly deal with changing data volumes, user-based licensing from Fluency eliminates the uncertainty that comes with fluctuating data quantities. You won’t have to worry about sudden spikes in data leading to unexpected licensing costs, making it easier to allocate resources and manage your finances effectively.

Fluency’s licensing model revolves around the number of users within your company. This distinctive approach to licensing offers several notable benefits.

By tying the license cost to the number of users, Fluency ensures that as your organization grows, your licensing expenses remain transparent and predictable. This predictability is a significant advantage for businesses of all sizes.

Functionality Prioritized Over Fancy Interface

Fluency User Interface
Fluency User Interface

While the initial impression may appear impressive and positive, it’s important to manage the expectations when it comes to the user interface of Fluency. This platform prioritizes speed and efficiency over flashy design elements. The user interface reflects this commitment to swiftness and responsiveness, making it immediately evident to users that this system means business.

That said, it’s worth noting that the interface, in its pursuit of functionality, can sometimes appear a tad overwhelming due to the abundance of available options. This richness in features and choices can, at times, make the interface feel somewhat crowded. However, this very complexity is a testament to the depth and versatility of the tools and capabilities that Fluency offers, ensuring that users have a wide range of resources at their disposal. So, while it may not be the fanciest interface around, it’s undoubtedly optimized for those who value efficiency and a wealth of options in their workflow.

Automated Response Mechanisms

Upon the activation of the detection mechanism, a well-choreographed sequence of events ensues, where a predetermined response seamlessly unfolds to address the identified issue. This automated resolution is carefully tailored to the specific context, mirroring the operational model embraced by advanced cybersecurity systems like Azure Sentinel. In certain environments, this automated reaction alone might suffice; however, the true efficacy of this response is brought to the forefront when coupled with the integration of Fluency and SOAR solutions.

By fostering this integrated approach, incident management is not only streamlined but also fortified against the challenges posed by modern cyber adversaries.

Fluency Flow search
Fluency Flow search

Navigating the intricate landscape of cybersecurity, a quintessential inquiry that often reverberates within the realm of SOC analysts is, “Where did the attacker connect to during the incident?” Despite its apparent simplicity, this question encapsulates a complexity that renders it both fundamental and challenging to address. The difficulty lies not in the query itself, but in the multifaceted process of discerning where to commence the investigative journey.

At its essence, the question beckons analysts to unravel the digital breadcrumbs left behind by a potential threat actor during a security incident. The challenge arises from the myriad entry points an attacker might exploit, the diverse tactics employed to obfuscate their presence, and the dynamic nature of cyber threats.

Normalizing and Enriching Data into Actionable Intelligence

This innovative tool serves as a veritable rescue mission for handling diverse data streams by seamlessly normalizing them into NetFlow-like records. In doing so, Fluency not only ensures uniformity and consistency across disparate data but also opens up a realm of possibilities for enriching these records with invaluable additional information.

The normalization process executed by Fluency is akin to orchestrating a harmonious symphony, where the cacophony of diverse data streams is transformed into a coherent and standardized format. This uniformity facilitates a more streamlined and efficient analysis, laying the foundation for accurate insights and informed decision-making.

However, Fluency doesn’t stop at normalization; it goes above and beyond by offering the capability to enrich these records with tags and other pertinent information. This enrichment layer adds depth and context to the data, turning it from a mere collection of information into a valuable resource for understanding trends, patterns, and anomalies.

Fluency flow record information
Fluency flow record information

This capability plays a crucial role in empowering SOC analysts by enabling them to construct a comprehensive understanding of communication flows that can be attributed to a potential attacker. This process involves piecing together disparate data points to form a cohesive narrative, shedding light on the tactics, techniques, and procedures employed by malicious actors.

Despite the instrumental role that SIEM solutions, such as Fluency, play in enhancing cybersecurity operations, there exists a notable limitation. Like other SIEM solutions, Fluency does not currently offer a native capability for seamlessly constructing this intricate picture of communication flows associated with attackers.

Limitations in Mapping Attacker Communication Flows

It’s essential to recognize that the field of cybersecurity is dynamic and ever-evolving, with continuous advancements in technology and methodologies. Therefore, while Fluency may not presently possess this specific functionality, it’s worth acknowledging the potential for future updates or integrations that could enhance its capabilities in this regard.

A Potential Game-Changing Newcomer

This emerging entrant in the market is poised to make a significant impact and could position itself as a potential game changer. Its innovative approach and promising features make it a noteworthy contender that deserves careful observation. And therefore, I will add it to my SIEM solution watchlist.