Richard de Vries


It’s all about the data

A robust monitoring service, integral to the operations of the IT Security department, is contingent upon the seamless and punctual ingestion of event and flow data. The significance of this timely acquisition cannot be overstated, as it forms the bedrock for proactive threat detection, incident response, and overall cybersecurity resilience.

February 16, 2024


Creating your own virtual playground

In the dynamic and ever-evolving field of cybersecurity, maintaining a proactive approach toward skill development and continuous education is imperative. As a professional in this sector, it is essential not only to stay abreast of the latest advancements but also to actively contribute to the enhancement of your knowledge and expertise.

December 24, 2023

Fluency — An industry disruptor?

As reiterated consistently on this platform, the conventional SIEM solution, primarily relying on signature-based detection methods, has undeniably reached a point of obsolescence. Cybersecurity threats are evolving rapidly, rendering signature-based approaches insufficient in addressing the dynamic and sophisticated nature of contemporary attacks. Despite this, there persists a prevailing belief in the indispensable role of a SIEM solution in fortifying an organization’s cybersecurity posture.

December 3, 2023

CVSS v4.0 — An improvement or not?

The introduction of a new version typically implies an evolution, marked by improvements and the incorporation of novel features. In the specific context of the CVSS calculator, it becomes pertinent to scrutinize the extensive alterations made to its specifications.

November 29, 2023

What if you can’t trust the processor?

Processor — the pulsating core of every device, orchestrating the intricate dance of data and commands with unparalleled speed and precision. It serves as the nerve center, tirelessly executing a multitude of instructions to bring digital tasks to life. However, this very prowess renders it susceptible to vulnerabilities that have evolved alongside the relentless pursuit of performance.

November 19, 2023

So, you can’t patch a vulnerability, now what? (part 2)

Safeguarding your organization’s systems and software from the exploitation of vulnerabilities is undeniably a paramount concern in the realm of cybersecurity. This imperative task necessitates a multifaceted approach, with the central pillars being the installation of security patches and the fine-tuning of configuration settings. However, it’s crucial to acknowledge that...

November 12, 2023

When was the most recent instance in which you performed OSINT on yourself?

In our ever more interconnected and digital world, it might, at first, appear counterintuitive to champion the practice of conducting OSINT on the very company you are entrusted to safeguard. However, this seemingly paradoxical notion underscores a fundamental truth in the realm of cybersecurity and corporate defense — if you can access information about your organization through OSINT techniques, so too can malicious actors with potentially nefarious intent.

November 5, 2023

Hey data scientist, are you really listening to the security data?

Protecting your company against the evolving landscape of both current and past threats is a formidable challenge, one that some consider insurmountable. However, it’s crucial to remember that while it may be a daunting task, it should not be perceived as impossible. In fact, it’s imperative to recognize that modern security strategies need to adapt to the ever-changing nature of cyber threats. This adaptation relies on the effective utilization of data generated by security controls, a process that transforms raw data into actionable events.

October 29, 2023

The ‘lazy’ SOC model

In the contemporary landscape, the paramount importance of security is becoming increasingly evident, casting a spotlight on the escalating workload of the SOC. This burgeoning workload is characterized not only by a surge in the sheer volume of requests and inquiries but also by the growing intricacy of security challenges. In this dynamic environment, when a security incident unfolds, there is an implicit expectation for the SOC to respond promptly and with pinpoint accuracy. Simultaneously, the SOC grapples with a persistent conundrum exacerbated by a global shortage of highly skilled security professionals — recruitment and retention.

October 22, 2023